Download the Mighty Tasters Meal Plan
Coming up with what to have for dinner is one of the most challenging parts of any parent’s day, but when you have a picky eater, it can take challenging to darn near impossible! Let Mighty Tasters take all the work out for you with this FREE weekly meal plan, geared toward picky eaters! It gives you seven days worth of breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner ideas, along with the recipes, all laid out into an easy to follow schedule.
So many meal plans out there have interesting and delicious ideas, but they are meals that many picky eaters would never even consider trying. This meal plan has delicious meal ideas that you will love AND that your picky eater will get behind. And not only that, it’s color coded by food category so you can easily sub in any food from the same food category that your kiddo or family regularly eats or that you have on hand.
Sign up to download today!